Freeze Dried Acai Berry Supplements: Acai Powder
Sambazon produce probably the best acai berry supplements, available in powder form. It is not possible to purchase fresh acai berries as they are extremely perishable, nor would you want to eat a fresh berry anyway, as most of the fruit is made up of a seed. Acai berries contain anthocyanins which break down very rapidly.
Instead acai is available in supplement form. Or if you prefer, you can purchase as frozen puree or as ready-made drinks.
Sambazon are one of the largest producers of acai products, all of which are organic using sustainable farming methods.
Are these supplements good for you? These products lock in all the goodness of the acai as soon as the berry is harvested, and will provide a huge immunity boost as they are full of antioxidants. Red grapes are one of the best providers of antioxidants, but the acai berry has ten times more!
It should be stressed that these are not weight loss products, but they are excellent for your overall health and for boosting energy.
If you cannot find Freeze Dried Acai Powder at your local store purchase below safe and securely.
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