Calories in a Plum
Calories in Prunes

How many calories in a Plum? See below, the Plum calories for the different serving sizes. We provide you with Plum nutrition facts and the health benefits of Plums to help you lose weight and eat a healthy diet. In addition we also provide the calorie and nutrition information for the Prune. Read on to find out why.

There are numerous varieties of Plum, each with their own color and unique taste. Popular varieties include the Victoria, Damson and Greengage. A Dried Plum is commonly known as a Prune. Prune juice and Dried Plums are generally available and are excellent for our digestion. They also contain several antioxidants. Plums are rich in dietary fiber. The vitamins and minerals in a Plum are numerous and include Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C and Folic Acid. Plums are a source of iron, helping our blood circulation. Other Plum benefits are thought to include reduced risk of heart disease, and protection against colon cancer and arthritis.

There are several calorie tables below which cover the various ways in which this fruit is packaged and sold. See our fruit calories comparison chart to compare calories in a Plum with the other calories in fruit. All of our calorie information is sourced from the US Department of Agriculture.

Also, if you wish to explore nutrition in more detail have a look how nutritious Plums are and also how plums rank when compared to other fruit.

Plum Calories

Plums, raw

Refuse: 6% (Pits)
Scientific Name: Prunus spp.

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams46 kcal (192 kJ)
1 cup, sliced, 165 grams76 kcal (317 kJ)
1 fruit (2-1/8" dia), 66 grams30 kcal (127 kJ)
1 NLEA serving, 151 grams69 kcal (290 kJ)

Plums, wild (Northern Plains Indians)

Refuse: 0%

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams91 kcal (381 kJ)
1 cup, 161 grams147 kcal (613 kJ)

Plums, dried (prunes), uncooked

Refuse: 13% (Pits)

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams240 kcal (1006 kJ)
1 cup, pitted, 174 grams418 kcal (1750 kJ)
1 prune, pitted, 9.5 grams23 kcal (96 kJ)

Plums, canned, heavy syrup, drained

Refuse: 0%

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams89 kcal (374 kJ)
1 cup, with pits, yields, 183 grams163 kcal (684 kJ)

Plums, canned, purple, extra heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids

Refuse: 5% (Pits)

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams101 kcal (423 kJ)
1 cup, pitted, 261 grams264 kcal (1104 kJ)

Plums, canned, purple, heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids

Refuse: 5% (Pits)

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams89 kcal (372 kJ)
1 cup, pitted, 258 grams230 kcal (960 kJ)
1 plum with liquid, 46 grams41 kcal (171 kJ)

Plums, canned, purple, juice pack, solids and liquids

Refuse: 5% (Pits)

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams58 kcal (243 kJ)
1 cup, pitted, 252 grams146 kcal (612 kJ)
1 plum with liquid, 46 grams27 kcal (112 kJ)

Plums, canned, purple, light syrup pack, solids and liquids

Refuse: 5% (Pits)

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams63 kcal (264 kJ)
1 cup, pitted, 252 grams159 kcal (665 kJ)
1 plum with liquid, 46 grams29 kcal (121 kJ)

Plums, canned, purple, water pack, solids and liquids

Refuse: 5% (Pits)

Serving Size

Calories per Serving

100 grams41 kcal (172 kJ)
1 cup, pitted, 249 grams102 kcal (428 kJ)
1 plum with liquid, 46 grams19 kcal (79 kJ)

Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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