Calories in Honeydew Melon

How many calories in Honeydew Melon? See below, the Honeydew Melon calories for the different serving sizes. We provide you with the Honeydew Melon nutrition facts and the health benefits of Honeydew Melon to help you lose weight and eat a healthy diet.

The Honeydew Melon is oval in shape, with a greenish-yellow flesh and a lovely sweet tasting flavor. They provide a good source of vitamins B1-B3, B5, B6, C, K and potassium, as well as other vitamins and minerals. They are extremely low in fat. Honeydew Melon contains a number of carbohydrates, including glucose to give us energy, and fructose and sucrose to give the melon its sweet taste. They contain no cholesterol.

The Honeydew Melon is thought to be good for boosting our immune systems. Other Honeydew Melon benefits are believed to include lowering our blood pressure and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Below is the calorie table for this variety of melon. See our fruit calories comparison chart to compare the calories in Honeydew Melon with the other calories in fruit to assist you with your diet plan.

Read about melon nutrition in more detail. Also, have a look how nutritious Honeydew Melon is in comparison to the other fruit nutrition facts.

All of our calorie information is provided by the US Department of Agriculture.

Honeydew Melon Calories

Honeydew Melon, Raw

Refuse: 54% (5% cavity contents, rind 49%)
Scientific Name: Cucumis melo

Serving size:

Calories per Serving

100 grams36 kcal (150 kJ)
1 cup, balls (177 g)64 kcal (266 kJ)
10 honeydew balls (138 g)50 kcal (205 kJ)
1 cup, diced (approx 20 pieces per cup)
(170 g)
61 kcal (255 kJ)
Calories in a Melon: 1 melon (5-1/4" dia) (1000 g)360 kcal (1500 kJ)
Calories in a Melon: 1 melon (6" - 7" dia) (1280 g)461 kcal (1920 kJ)
1 wedge (1/8 of 5-1/4" dia melon) (125 g)45 kcal (188 kJ)
1 wedge (1/8 of 6" to 7" dia melon) (160 g)58 kcal (240 kJ)
1 NLEA Serving (134g)48 kcal (201 kJ)
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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