Calories in Raspberries

How many calories in Raspberries? Raspberries are naturally low in calories and fat. See below, the Raspberry calories for the different serving sizes. We provide you with the Raspberry nutrition facts and the health benefits of Raspberries to help you to lose weight and eat a healthy diet.

Raspberries taste delicious, they are sweet and almost melt in the mouth. They will make a great addition to your diet. Raspberries are a rich source of fiber and vitamin C, and have a lot of other properties beneficial for our health.

Raspberries rank near the top of all fruits for antioxidant strength. Most of the raspberries calories come from carbohydrates. Below we have several calorie tables covering different varieties including frozen and canned.

See our fruit calories comparison chart to compare calories in Raspberries with the other calories in fruit.

Read about Raspberry nutrition. Also, have a look how nutritious Raspberries are in comparison to the other fruit nutrition facts.

All of our calorie information is provided by the US Department of Agriculture,

Raspberry Calories

Calories in Raspberries, raw

Refuse: 4% (Caps, stems, and spoiled berries)
Scientific Name: Rubus spp.

Serving size:

Calories per Serving

100 grams52.0 kcal (218 kJ)
1 ounce (28g)14.6 kcal (61.1 kJ)
1 cup, (123g)64.0 kcal (268 kJ)
1 pint as purchased, (312g)162 kcal (678 kJ)
10 raspberries (19g) 9.9 kcal (41.4 kJ)

Raspberries, wild (Northern Plains Indians)

Refuse: 0%

Serving size:

Calories per Serving

100 grams62.0 kcal (261 kJ)
1 cup, (130g)81 kcal (339 kJ)

Raspberries, frozen, red, sweetened

Refuse: 0%

Serving size:

Calories per Serving

100 grams103 kcal (431 kJ)
1 cup, unthawed, (250g)258 kcal (1078 kJ)
1 package (10 oz), (284g)293 kcal (1224 kJ)

Raspberries, canned, red, heavy syrup pack, solids and liquids

Refuse: 0%

Serving size:

Calories per Serving

100 grams91 kcal (381 kJ)
1 cup, (256g)233 kcal (975 kJ)
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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